by Alignd | Jul 6, 2022 | Articles, Doctors’ stories, Funders stories, News, Palliative Care
[Press release] The Cancer Association of South Africa has partnered with Alignd to improve access to palliative care for cancer patients. Cancer and its treatment can cause physical side effects and result in negative emotional, social and financial consequences for...
by Shivani Ranchod | Aug 14, 2020 | Doctors’ stories, Palliative Care, Patients’ stories
How our first patients let us know we were doing the right thing. When we started Alignd, and building the Alignd palliative care offering, we had years and years of training, research, networking and experience between us. It covered all the fields and skills needed...
by Alignd | Aug 14, 2020 | Doctors’ stories, Palliative Care
Dr Pelisa Ford is a practising oncologist and palliative care physician. That’s a fairly rare combination, but a very powerful one for her patients. Here’s why… “I wouldn’t be the doctor I am today, without palliative care,” says Dr Pelisa Ford. When Pelisa was a...
by Alignd | Apr 9, 2020 | Doctors’ stories, Palliative Care
Palliative care doctor, Dr Cameron Bruce, chooses to care for patients away from a frenetic hospital environment where physicians run in and out of rooms, order lab tests and check results. He chooses to sit down with patients and their families, to stay longer, and...
by Alignd | Mar 19, 2020 | Doctors’ stories, Palliative Care
Dr Nosisa Matsiliza wants medical practitioners and patients to know that palliative care doesn’t mean giving up; palliative care is not just for the very last days of life. Dr Nosisa Matsiliza was practising palliative care long before she officially trained as a...
by Alignd | Feb 4, 2020 | Doctors’ stories, Palliative Care
Dr Julia Ambler is a paediatric palliative care doctor who, together with the team at Umduduzi Hospice in KZN, provide care and support for very sick children and their families. Her primary tools are honesty, empathy and expertly administered morphine. There’s a...